
Preparing For a Marathon With Yoga

August 12, 2022 • By

If you are the kind of individual that likes to feel really accomplished, there is a pretty good chance that you’d find the idea of running a marathon quite appealing. There are very few things in this world that are as strenuous and rigorous as marathons, and only the fittest people with the highest amount of mental fortitude and resolve would be able to finish them let alone win them. Hence, it makes a lot of sense that running a marathon would be high up on your bucket list, so if you want any chance whatsoever for accomplishing this goal it would be best if you started preparing for it right away.

The key to running a marathon is to prep by limbering up your muscles, and the truth of the situation is that Marianne Wells Yoga School can be a huge help in that respect. This is because of the fact that they teach you a form of yoga known as Hatha Yoga which is unique in that it mostly focuses on poses that can stretch your muscles and strengthen them as well to a surprising extent.

There are plenty of other preparatory steps that you’d need to take as well such as improving your lung capacity and cardiovascular efficiency, but none of these steps can be taken without a yogic warm up. The fact of the matter is that yoga provides you with all of the warming up you’d need to get yourself ready for an extended marathon that would last at least twenty miles and possibly even forty. You’d be amazed at how much of a difference it makes in terms of stamina and bodily durability.