
Effective Brand Promotion on Instagram: The Top Five Strategies

January 20, 2023 • By

Social media platforms play a vital role in the marketing process, being of great help to both small- and large-sized businesses in building interest. One of the most popular social media platforms is Instagram — a platform especially adapted for showcasing lifestyle brand posts. With such popularity comes huge competition, but with the proper tactics, many brands can utilize this platform to give their products an edge over those of their competitors.

Develop Social Media Persona

It is important to have a social media persona, with which you will interact with your Instagram followers. A persona creates a unique image for your brand and can express the values of your brand. For example, if your brand is seen as youthful and hip, then use photos that show this image. Constantly posting new photos or even videos will make your customers feel like they get to know you personally and strengthens their connection with the brand.

Be Active

Online marketing is all about interaction — more interaction, the more successful your campaign. So be active! Post often and make sure that each post has a unique angle. Take a look at brands that have gained great success in this area such as Ben & Jerry’s or Starbucks — they post new things almost every day, which creates a sense of urgency and constant desire to share their brand with your followers.

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Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to be found when you use the right ones. Make sure to keep them interesting, fun and engaging. For instance, if your post is about the newest spring fashion trends, then use hashtags like #springfashion or #newtrendingstyles. Use of more specific hashtags will greatly increase the likelihood of your photo being discovered by other users.

Keep Post Lengths Short and Sweet

It is a common fact that users tend to scroll through their newsfeeds too quickly. People will see a photo and make up their mind about it in less than a second. So keep your posts short and to the point, because no one will have time to read long stories.

Post Photos of Real People Using or Wearing Your Products

There is great power in word-of-mouth marketing. And nothing works better than a testimonial of real people using your product or service. It shows that your product works, that people love using it and are willing to recommend it to others. Be encouraged to take photos of real people using your products. This will give great life to your posts as well as to the brand itself.

The above are some of the top strategies for Instagram marketing, and these will help you get a more active and interesting following. Since Instagram is a social network that is image driven, it can be seen as one of the most effective ways of sharing information about any product or brand on the internet.