
3 Benefits of Weightlifting for Women

January 22, 2018 • By

Try to look at any fitness magazine or website; what do you immediately see? Chances are you’re going to see buff and chiseled people staring back at you in the face. Now, after seeing those fit people, try to look at yourself in front of the mirror. Do you see a lean figure staring back at you?

If so, then congratulations on achieving your dream figure. However, if you’re the proud owner of a muffin top, then you might want to start lifting weights. A common misconception about weightlifting is that you’ll get “large and in charge” as your muscles look like it can crush hard material. However, there are other advantages of lifting weights besides building muscle mass. If you’re a female fitness enthusiast, then know that you’re not going to get large muscles just by lifting weights. Read on to know some of the top benefits of weightlifting for women that you might not yet know.

Muscle Burns Fat

Do you want to take that extra chicken wing but you don’t want to feel guilty? Then it’s time to head to the rack of weights down at the gym. Don’t just stick to running on the treadmill for hours on end. While cardiovascular activities are a great way to burn fat, building better muscle allows your body to burn fat at an even faster rate than the norm. Research indicates that a positive change in muscle fibers can assist in reducing body fat. However, don’t forget about eating a proper diet; all will still be for naught if your idea of a healthy lifestyle is rewarding yourself with a tub of ice cream after every strenuous workout routine.

It Can Make You Feel Happy

Ever hear yourself saying, “I’m too sad to go to the gym right now.” Well, if you started lifting weights, then you’re going to give your mood a great favor. Studies show that women who lifted weights for a certain period showed decreased signs and symptoms of depression. Exercise has a euphoric effect on the mind, and it’s not just women who can benefit from this but men as well. If you don’t want to go to the gym, then you can just work out at home. You can buy cheap dumbbells from bowflex.

Weightlifting Helps Fight Osteoporosis

Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis than men. With that in mind, you’d want to fight this physical ailment as much as you can, especially if you’re still young. Lifting more weights helps your muscles adapt to the stress of your body trying to go against gravity. Ergo, your spinal column will adapt to the stress of lifting those weights. Exercises involving weights can also help you straighten your posture, and it’ll ultimately assist you in looking and feeling young. You have visited about Bowflex here.

Know that this is just the tip of the iceberg for the many benefits of weightlifting for women. The only thing to do now is to see the results of your actions for yourself.